I?m not one for making New Year?s resolutions but I accept that it is a normal part of life for most people. I would much rather set goals throughout the year and make sure I?m on track each and every month. However, many people like making goals for a new year because it signifies new beginnings and a chance to make things better this year than it was last. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this but many people stop pursuing those resolutions after a few weeks.
So how can you make sure you stick with your goals?
The simple answer is to make sure you want it bad enough. No one ever achieved anything without wanting it badly. The reason most people fail to lose weight for their New Year?s resolution is that they don?t truly want to change their lifestyle to do it. They try diets, pills and other junk that works for a little while but then they gain everything they?ve lost right back. Here is the bad news for anyone on a fad diet?
Fat diets don?t work and you must change your lifestyle if you want to make real progress.
Of course, who wants to change their lifestyle? Isn?t life too short to have to eat healthy and spend time exercising? Sure it is if your health isn?t important to you. On the other hand, if you care about the way you feel and look, why wouldn?t you change your lifestyle for the better?
If you are interested in making some real changes and meeting or exceeding your fitness goals, here are a few tips that will help.
Health & fitness is a lifestyle
Don?t think that getting in shape or losing weight is a one-time deal and then you?re done. You must continue the process throughout your life if you want to see the benefits. An active lifestyle and healthy nutritional choices are required on a long term basis.
The way you live your daily life will determine your overall health. Continually missing exercise sessions and making the wrong food choices will bring disastrous results over time. On the other hand, if you continually make great health choices and live your life daily as though your health is the most important part of your life, you will be greatly rewarded.
Write your goals down and look at them often
Don?t simply set a goal in your mind and say ?I?d like to achieve that.? Instead, write your goal down and give it a firm date. Once you have set that date, make sure you look at it often and make sure you are on track. If you want to lose weight, set a goal to lose a certain number of pounds by a certain day. Doing this will give you something to strive for and something to hold you accountable.
In fact, if you really want to make it more effective, give your goals to a friend or family member and have them hold you accountable.
Don?t stop once you?ve achieved your goal
As stated earlier, fitness is a lifelong journey so just because you have reached a goal doesn?t mean you need to stop. It?s true that you can reward yourself but just don?t go overboard and sabotage any success that you have achieved.
This should be easy to do since you?ll have momentum on your side.
Inspire others
If you find yourself slacking on your weight loss goals, you may need to change your reasons for wanting the goal in the first place. Inspire your children or others in your family that may be depending on your success in order to get started on theirs. If you have successfully lost weight, people will flock to you wanting to know how you?ve done it. This is your chance to be an inspiration and help others along your journey.
On the other hand, if you give up, others may assume that it?s too difficult and so also give up on their dreams to become thinner or healthier.
Whatever your goals or New Year?s resolutions, be sure and write them down and hold yourself accountable to them. Likewise, once you achieve them, you need to reward yourself for all your efforts. The rewards are part of the fun so be sure and recognize every achievement you make along the way.
Lastly, have fun and know that being healthy is easy if you simply stick to a program. Just stay active and focus on eating healthy foods and you?ll naturally reach your goals.
tiger muay thai phuket from Muay Thai Weblog

Source: http://newhealthandfitness.org/2012/03/05/sticking-with-your-new-years-fitness-goals/
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